St. Matthews Parish
St. Matthews Parish, is located at 219 Fayette St, Conshohocken, PA 19428. The parish of St. Matthews welcomes you! We invite you to celebrate Mass with us; Mass times are listed below.
Saturday Evening: 4:30 PM
Sunday: 7:30AM, 9:30AM, 11:30AM
Monday to Friday: 8:15 AM
Vigil of Holy days: 7:00 PM
Holy Days: 8:15 AM,12:00 Noon
Saturday: 3:30 – 4:15PM
If you wish to register with us, kindly fill in the Registration Form below. You will receive a letter of welcome in the mail shortly after you register.
A man asked a priest: "If God is everywhere, why do I go to Church?"
The priest replied: "The whole atmosphere is filled with water; but when you want to drink you have to go to a fountain or a well."
The priest replied: "The whole atmosphere is filled with water; but when you want to drink you have to go to a fountain or a well."
Why should faithful participation in the celebration of the Mass be top priority each Sunday?
To be reminded who you are (God's beloved), and whose you are (you belong to Christ). Only by regular worship of God can we live this identity as God's beloved conscious of belonging to Him.
To be reminded who you are (God's beloved), and whose you are (you belong to Christ). Only by regular worship of God can we live this identity as God's beloved conscious of belonging to Him.

Get Connected Again
Catholic Leadership Institutes launches Next Generation Parish at St. Matthews.
St. Matthews want you to “Get Connected Again” We’d like to invite you to be connected to the parish through email. This will help us help you stay connected with all things at St. Matthews. Please join us by clicking on the link below and filling in your name and email address: