Bereavement – Our next meeting is on Monday, Oct 7th at 9:00 AM in the Parish Hall.
“SNACK BAG SOCIAL” Thank you very much for your monetary donations, food item
donations, and time supporting of our Caring For Friends ministry at St. Matthew’s Parish. We will resume our Snack Bag Social on Sept 17th to assemble and donate snack bags to our local charity. Please continue to donate! Your generosity allows us to carry on this great ministry!
Gift Card Bingo in the Parish Hall on Sept 28th after the 4:30pm Mass Doors will be open at 5:15pm with Bingo beginning at 6:15pm. Tickets are $20.00 per person
SENIOR MEETING – Sept 18th and Takes place once a month on the 3rd Wednesday of the month in the Parish Center. The next meeting is January 17th at 12 Noon. We have a meeting and lunch. A great way to socialize with other seniors. Please contact Pat Hanna 610-272-3610 with any questions.
Join St Matt’s Young Adults (ages 19-39) as we reflect on the Eucharist! Using the free Formed app, we will be viewing “Lectio: Eucharist with Dr Brant Pitre”. On Wednesday September 25th at 7PM in the Parish Center, we will discuss episode 8 called “The Last Supper and the Cross”.
The Sacrament of Baptism Next Scheduled for Oct 1st – is administered in church on the first three Sundays of each month following the 11:30 A.M. Mass.
Save the Date! Confirmation at St Matthew’s, February 22, 2025 In February we will be celebrating Confirmation here at St. Matthew’s!
BAPTISM CLASS – The Sacrament of Baptism is administered in church on the first three Sundays of each month following the 11:30 A.M. Mass. In preparation for having a child Baptized, parents are required to attend “Pre-Jordan Instructions.” Classes are the 1st Tuesday of each month.
2025 Mass Book is open To schedule Masses contact Helene at or call 610-828-0424 x4.
BLESSED PRAYER SHAWL – If you or someone you know is undergoing surgery, struggling with illness, or suffering the loss of a loved one, and would like to have the comfort of a prayer shawl that has been hand knit/crocheted by our prayer shawl ministry, please contact the parish office at 610-828-0424 x4 or If you wish to participate in our Prayer Shawl Ministry, please join us at our monthly meeting in the St. Vincent de Paul room in the basement of the Church. It is the door that says Meeting Room. The meetings are scheduled for Noon on the 2nd Tuesday of each month. (Except June, July and August we will resume the 2nd Tuesday in September.) Alternatively, you can simply deliver completed shawls to the parish office.Alternatively, you can simply deliver completed shawls to the parish office.
Every 1st Saturday of the month join us after the 4:30PM Mass to say the Rosary.
Every Monday 6:45 PM – Parish Center Every First Saturday of the month after the 4:30 Mass
Contact for more information Ed DiGinto – 610-226-7338
If you are interested in teaching or helping out with our Prep/CCD program, please contact Cathy Murray
Today is the day you can make the difference in the life of a child. Saint Matthew Early Learning Center offers something for everyone! We are hiring part-time and full-time positions. For more information, reach out to us at
St. Matthew Parish Ministry (CCS) Poor Box donations are collected by Community Charity’ society – a St. Matthew Parish Ministry. CCS is a charitable organization formed by the parishioners of St. Matthew Church to perform acts of charity in the greater Conshohocken area. The society provides emergency financial assistance to people in need, usually in the form of payments for rent or utilities. Beneficiaries are very often referred to the society by social service agencies such as Catholic Social Services, Montgomery County Community Connection, and Patrician Society. CCS is classified as a public charity per US Internal Revenue Code Section 501 (c) (3). As such, donors can deduct contributions made to CCS per US Internal Revenue Code Section 170. If you wish to recommend someone for assistance or are interested in learning more about CCS, please call the CCS Help Line 610-828-0424 extension 7.