This committee guides and assists the pastor in the administration of the parish funds. Members discuss not only the operating budget of the parish, but also any capital expenditures or other extraordinary expenditures that are needed within the parish complex. They are ideally a mixture of people from various careers, professions, or industry and meet only two or three times a year. If you are interested in this type of planning or feel you have expertise in this area, please contact the pastor.
Concerned men and women of the parish serve the community by coming together in a united effort with the pastor to shape and prioritize our goals. Parish needs are identified, solutions are discussed and committees explore solutions. Elections are held every two years. If you are interested in serving, please make your desire known to the pastor.
The main goal of this group of men and women is to help the poor and needy. There are many activities to this end. Some of these are a clothing and household collection; confidential financial help; visiting the sick in hospitals; visiting and driving the shut-ins to doctor appointments. Most of the needs are met with visits during the day, so retired or shift workers are the ideal volunteers. The major personal benefit is the knowledge that you can make a difference in the lives of the people in our area who are most in need.
Once a year, during Advent, we have a baby cradle in the front of church to collect donations of baby items. The donations are distributed mostly to MOM’s HOUSE, an organization that helps single women to continue their education and keep their child.