Religious Education/ CCD Registration Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *FirstLastDate of Birth *The grade this child will be in for the 2023-2024 school year *School your child will be in for the 2023-2024 school year *Family Name *Home Phone *Email *Fathers Name *Work or cell phone *Religion *Mothers Name *Work or cell phone *Religion *If you are legally responsible for the child, but are not the mother or father: NameWork or cell phone *Religion *Email *Relationship *Home phone *Cell Phone *List any special Medical conditions/Prescribed Medications that apply to your child *List restrictions/allergy(i.e. milk, peanut butter) or other information needed to provide a safe environment for your child *List any learning ability or disability that will help us provide a proper learning environment for your child *Sacraments your child has received: Date of Baptism *Church of Baptism *Date of First Reconciliation *Date of First Holy Communion *Date of Confirmation *Photo Release Permission *Yes I agreeNoCatechist Transportation Release *Yes I agreeNoSubmit